The crewing module is used to manage all crew members (either on board or on shore). Contact details of a person can be entered and a photo can be uploaded. Certificates and identities like certificates of competency and examination papers can be entered. Marad will give a warning when the documents will expire. Keep track of working/rest hours, planning data, crew lists, documents (and templates), non conformity lists and more.
Crew members
Manage all your crew members and their documents
Working/rest hours
Manage all the work/rest hours of your crew members
Planning and schedules
Assign crew to vessels/locations. Graphical overview of all crew
Crew lists
List of crew currently present on a location
Non conformities reports
Reports will be automatically made if you don’t comply with current laws
Documents Template
Control and assign groups and documents to certain ranks
Safety link
The crewing module is connected with the safety module and keeps track which drills every crew member has to do
Detailed crew members
Each crew member has its own personal data, documents, schedules, safety drills, work hours and remarks
The EBIS crew matrix can be synchronized automatically